IIT People Search

Sergey Artyukhin

Principal Investigator
Senior Researcher Tenure Track - Principal Investigator
Quantum Materials Theory
Research center

Since 2015 Sergey Artyukhin is leading Quantum Materials Theory research line at IIT. His interests are in realistic modelling of a broad range of phenomena in condensed matter, related to ground state properties, excitations, switching and photoexcited dynamics, particularly in materials with complex ferroic orders. He graduated from Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology in 2007 and completed his PhD on modelling frustrated magnets and multiferroics working with M. Mostovoy at University of Groningen (NL). He then worked as a postdoc with D. Vanderbilt, K. Rabe, closely collaborating with S.-W. Cheong and K. Haule at Rutgers, bridging state of the art first-principles calculations (DFT, DMFT) with model Hamiltonians.

All Publications
Ono R., Kaushik R., Artyukhin S., Jansen M., Solovyev I., Ewings R. A.
Entangled orbital, spin, and ferroelectric orders in p-electron magnet CsO2
arXiv preprint
Article in Press Journal
Kaushik R., Ono R., Artyukhin S.
Finite temperature magnetic interactions from first principles
arXiv preprint
Article in Press Journal
Putatunda A., Artyukhin S.
Interplay of trimerization, chirality and ferroelecticity in multiferroic BaCoSiO$_4$
arXiv preprint
Article in Press Journal
Maranzana L., Nagaosa N., Artyukhin S.
Merons and magnetoelectric switching in centrosymmetric spiral magnets
arXiv preprint
Article in Press Journal
Ono R., Solovyev I., Artyukhin S.
Multiferroic kinks and spin-flop transition in Ni2InSbO6 from first principles
NPJ Spintronics, vol. 2, pp. 17
Article Journal
Organized Events
Artyukhin S.
Quantum materials: ultrafast dynamics and control - CECAM
Artyukhin S., Chen P.
Bridging first-principles calculations and effective Hamiltonians